November 21, 2019

Announcing the Smartcar Node.js SDK v7

Sanketh Katta

CTO and Co-Founder

Today, we're proud to introduce version 7 of the Smartcar Node.js SDK. 🛑

Smartcar is the car API for mobility applications. We allow app developers to locate, unlock, and read the odometer from vehicles across brands without any hardware.

The Node.js SDK is one of our four API SDKs. It lets you quickly and easily integrate Smartcar into any Node.js web app. Here's what's new in this updated version:

  • Support for the latest version of Node.js, including Node.js 12
  • Updated with our latest API endpoints, including the Smartcar tire pressure API and two beta endpoints: batch requests and engine oil life
  • Optimized for our Connect Pro features Compatibility, Match, and Direct
  • User-friendly Getting started guide that walks you through the steps of authorizing a user
  • Includes a method to construct authorization URLs fast and easily
  • Access token management lets you effortlessly and securely store and renew access tokens

Unlocking a vehicle using our Node.js SDK is as simple as this:

const smartcar = require('smartcar');
// Construct a new vehicle instance
const vehicle = new smartcar.Vehicle("<vehicle-id>", "<access-token>");
// Locate the vehicle
const response = await vehicle.location();
/* Example response:
"latitude": 37.4292,
"longitude": 122.1381

Get started with the SDK today, and as always, don't hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or feedback.

Everything you need to know about car APIs. Delivered monthly.

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